
inaFaceAnalyzer requires Python version between 3.7 and 3.9. Python 3.10 is not yet supported due to onnxruntime-gpu dependency.

Installing from sources on ubuntu

$ apt-get install cmake ffmpeg libgl1-mesa-glx
$ git clone
$ cd inaFaceAnalyzer
$ pip install .
$ ./ # to check that the installation is ok

Installing from pypi on ubuntu

For GPU support, cuda, cudnn and nvidia drivers should be already installed

$ apt-get install cmake ffmpeg libgl1-mesa-glx
$ pip install inaFaceAnalyzer

Using docker image

$ # download latest docker image from dockerhub
$ docker pull inafoss/inafaceanalyzer
$ # run docker image. setting --gpu argument allows to take advantage of
$ # GPU acceleration (non mandatory)
$ docker run -it --gpus=all inafoss/inafaceanalyzer /bin/bash
$ # lauch unit tests (non mandatory but recommended)
$ python
$ # use any program or API
$ -h